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Methamphetamine Treatment Rehab

(855) 929-4045

Meth Addiction Rehab

Methamphetamine, or meth, is a synthetically produced stimulant that is made by combining and cooking several ingredients, such as acetone, sulphuric acid, lithium, and hydrochloric acid. The precise combination of ingredients varies from one meth lab to another: this variation of ingredients creates challenges not only for the addict, but for medical responders who are trying to administer treatment for an overdose. Contact us if you or your loved one is in need of a meth addiction treatment center.


Methamphetamine can be ingested in several ways, including smoking, oral ingestion through tablets, snorting in powder form, or dissolving the powder in water or alcohol and injecting it. Each method of ingestion comes with its own set of risks, over and above the risks associated with the drug itself:

  • Smoking: respiratory complaints
  • Snorting: blistering or sores around the nose
  • Intravenous: Track marks and punctures; collapsed veins; risk of HIV and hepatitis from shared needles
  • Oral ingestion: digestive complaints such as abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting

Crystal Meth

Crystal meth is a form of methamphetamine that gets its name from its glass-like appearance and blue-white colour. Crystal meth can be ingested through any of the means described above, but it is usually smoked using a small glass pipe.

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Crystal Meth
Crash-and-Binge-Cycle Canada

The Binge And Crash Cycle

People take methamphetamine because it produces an intense rush of euphoria that last for several minutes, followed by a less intense but more enduring high that can go on for half a day.

The high is followed by a crash that happens quickly: the user goes from euphoria to desolation in a matter of minutes. In many cases, the depression and hopelessness that they feel is so unbearable that they take more of the drug in order to recreate the high. This starts a cycle of binging alternating with crashing, that can go on for days or weeks.


The user experiences the euphoric rush followed by the high. This is accompanied by elevated blood pressure, rapid breathing, loss of appetite and wakefulness. During a binge, the individual repeatedly takes methamphetamine in order to avoid crashing. They may go for several days without sleeping, and barely eating anything at all. During this time, they may also display obsessive compulsive behaviour.


After several days of not sleeping or eating, and of taking methamphetamine multiple times, the user’s body finally crashes, and an extended phase of exhaustion follows. The individual spends an extended period of time sleeping.

After several cycles of binging and crashing, the user will start to experience some of the longer term effects of methamphetamine use. These include:

  • Dental problems, commonly referred to as “meth mouth”
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia and hallucinations
  • Meth psychosis, characterized by the sensation of bugs crawling under the skin
  • Erratic behaviour that may become violent
  • Memory loss and cognitive decline as the brain’s chemical structure starts to change
  • Twitching, rapid eye movement and hyperactivity
  • Periods of extreme wakefulness alternating with periods of deep exhaustion
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High Risk Of Complications And Death

Methamphetamine is regarded as one of the most dangerous drugs known to man. Not only does extended use result in far-reaching consequences, some of which may be irreversible, even a single use can cause a lot of damage.

Methamphetamine is produced in illegal labs that do follow any safety standards, and it contains ingredients that are toxic to humans. Adding to the danger of this substance is that the fact that every batch contains different ingredients, so the nature and severity of the effects can be unpredictable and difficult for medical personnel to treat. Begin your journey for methamphetamine addiction treatment by contacting us today.


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High Risk Of Complications
methamphetamine addiction problem

Signs That Loved Ones Can Look Out For

If there is any good news at all when it comes to methamphetamine addiction, it is that it is difficult to hide. Unlike addictions to substances like alcohol or prescription drugs, which can fly under the radar for years, meth addicts display very obvious symptoms of their addiction. On the flip side of that, confronting them can be difficult because their combativeness may make them reluctant to admit – or unable to see – that they have a problem. If you have a loved one who you suspect may have a methamphetamine addiction problem, look out for these signs:

  • Social isolation and ruined relationships
  • Difficulty at work or school, in terms of both performance and relationships with peers
  • Financial devastation
  • Abandonment of hygiene and grooming
  • Frequent interactions with police officers
  • Lack of enthusiasm for previously enjoyed activities
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The Recovery Process

The first part of recovery from any addiction is withdrawal, and in the case of methamphetamine, this phase can be frightening, uncomfortable, and in some cases, fatal. This is why we do not insist on new residents arriving at our facility “clean”: we want to ensure safety during withdrawal in the form of medically supervised detox.

One of the most dangerous effects of methamphetamine withdrawal is severe depression that can lead to suicidal thoughts and actions. This is amplified by anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations.

Through proper medical supervision, we treat withdrawal symptoms as they arise, and we nurse the individual back to health so that they will have the strength to tackle the next phase of their recovery: methamphetamine addiction treatment.

Our treatment plans are customized to meet the needs of each individual. We take into account everything we know about the addict: their life circumstances and challenges, their relationships, their social, cultural and spiritual needs, and their post-rehab goals. Treatment plans include a combination of individual, group and family therapy, creative therapies such as music and art, yoga and meditation, and life coaching.

The post-rehab phase of treatment is important for those who are overcoming addictions to most substances, but particularly methamphetamine. Because the long-term effects of this drug are so far-reaching, the individual may need intensive support even when rehab is over. Our aftercare program ensures that those leaving our rehab facility continue to be supported, and that they have everything they need in the outside world to succeed.

We offer methamphetamine addiction treatment in Toronto and a variety of other locations.

To get started, give us a call. Our meth addiction rehab can help. It is never too late to start your journey toward recovery.

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