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How Do I Find the Right Drug Rehab Centre?

Addiction is a complex condition that affects everybody in different way. All addicts have their unique sets of circumstances that lead them into substance abuse: root causes of addiction range from peer pressure and troubled relationships to abuse and trauma. What this means is that everyone’s path to recovery is not going to look the same, because different issues have to be addressed for each individual. Most facilities devise customized treatment programs once they have done an in-depth assessment of the client.

This can make it difficult to decide on an addiction treatment program – if you’re not sure what treatment you’re going to need, how are you supposed to find the right rehab center? This challenge is compounded by the sheer proliferation of information on the Internet, a lot of which is not reliable.

You can narrow your search by writing down a list of what is important to you. Do you want to stay close to home, or do you want to put some distance between yourself and your stressors? Are you able to step away from your life to attend an inpatient program, or would an outpatient program be better? What financial resources do you have at your disposal? These questions and more will help you clarify exactly what it is you’re looking for.

What Level of Treatment Intensity Do You Need?

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs can be categorized in several ways, one of which is the level of intensity needed. People with chronic addictions or dual diagnoses are likely to need a higher level of care than those with milder addictions and a strong family support network. It is common to move between intensity levels over the course of treatment: many people will start off in an inpatient program and then move to outpatient treatment.

  • Inpatient rehab: The highest intensity of treatment happens in the form of inpatient or residential rehab, where the patient temporarily lives at the facility. The benefits of this are that you are protected from your substance abuse triggers such as people, places, and situations, and you have access to around-the-clock support. It’s a highly structured environment that includes balanced meals and a combination of therapy sessions.
  • Partial hospitalization: This is a level of treatment that falls somewhere between inpatient and outpatient rehab. Patients attend sessions at a treatment center for several hours a day, returning home in the evenings. Many of the therapeutic modalities are the same as what you would expect in an inpatient setting. While partial hospitalization is not really conducive to people who need to go to work every day, it does allow you to maintain a normal home life and full contact with your family.
  • Outpatient rehab: This is frequently the next step following inpatient rehab, and it involves several hours of therapy each week. Patients can live at home and go to work. Although the risk of relapse is higher because of exposure to potential substance use triggers, this form of treatment has the benefit of allowing the patient to immediately apply what they learn in therapy to real world situations.
  • Sober living: Many people who are discharged from addiction treatment, particularly inpatient programs, are not ready to fully immerse themselves in their normal lives. The transition from treatment to post-rehab can be difficult, and sober living facilities allow patients to bridge that gap with less risk of relapse. The rules and supervision vary from one facility to the next, with some requiring weekly attendance at outpatient programs and others only requiring sobriety.

treatment intensity

What Can You Afford?

While private inpatient rehab facilities are associated with the best outcomes when it comes to addiction treatment, they have the drawback of being expensive. The higher cost is justified by full inclusion of accommodation and meals, all therapy sessions, good quality meals, and a variety of recreational options. Not everyone can afford it, and this leads some people to believe that addiction recovery is only available to those with money.

This is not the case: there are some excellent inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment programs that are publicly funded. The Centre for Addiction & Mental Health (CAMH), for instance, has several options available. You may encounter some wait times with these facilities.

Are You Looking for Traditional or Faith-Based Healing?

Some people shy away from addiction rehab centers because they fear that the treatment methods used would not be respectful of their faith or traditions. While it is true that many rehab centers focus on conventional methods like psychotherapy and family counselling, there is a growing number of facilities that cater to people with religious or cultural needs. Some of these facilities offer traditional and/or faith-based healing exclusively, and some offer it in addition to other treatment modalities.

Questions to Ask the Facilities You’re Considering

Based on the information above, you will be able to narrow down your search and come up with a shortlist of four or five facilities. Your next step is to get in touch with each one and ask them about their programs. You may also be able to request a tour of the facility, though this will likely have to be booked ahead of time not only to ensure staff availability, but so the facility can take steps to protect the privacy of their existing patients or clients.

Here are some of the questions you should be sure to ask:

  • Does the facility provide customized treatment programs that consider unique individual needs?
  • Has the facility successfully treated people with your specific addiction and any co-occurring disorders?
  • How does the facility involve family and other loved ones in the recovery process?
  • Are all therapists and practitioners appropriately licensed?
  • Does the facility offer an aftercare program, and if so, what does this look like?
  • Does the facility have a policy surrounding readmission in the event of relapse?
  • If you have a disability or special needs of any kind, what will the facility do to ensure accessibility and accommodations?


Get The Help You Need in A Caring Environment

If you are ready to enter a treatment program for addiction, Thousand Islands Rehab Centre is ready to welcome you. We offer a wide range of treatments and therapies, which makes it easy for us to create an addiction treatment program that is just right for you. Addiction recovery is a challenging journey, but you do not have to go through it alone. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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